The saints possess

Icons of the saints possess a special quality, as each icon stands out with distinctive features that set it apart from others. Each icon carries the story of the saint intended to be depicted within it. The icon painter conveys the saint’s life story through colors, thus illustrating the unique message and invitation of the saint that they lived by. Sometimes, we see multiple icons of the same saint, such as Saint Elijah, with each icon portraying a different scene from their life. Occasionally, we may come across icons featuring multiple saints, encompassing various aspects of their lives within a single icon, as seen in the icon of Saint Michael. Icons of martyrs, for example, often depict multiple saints together.

The main objective that unites all these icons remains the message or invitation that the saint carried in their life and what it means to us today. O Lord, through the example of your saints, teach us how to resemble you.

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