
God, invisible and incomprehensible, has been made visible in the Incarnation of the Son of God. For “when the invisible becomes visible in the flesh, then you may depict the likeness of something seen; when one who, by transcending his own nature, is bodiless, formless, incommensurable, without magnitude or size, that is, one who is… Continue reading Pantocrator

Mary, mother of God (Theotokos)

The Icon of the Mother of God encompasses a multitude of iconic representations, each carrying its own unique name and significance. Among these cherished icons, we find depictions referred to as Tenderness, Intercessor, and more. Yet, amidst this diversity, certain constants persist across all these sacred images. In every icon portraying the Mother of God,… Continue reading Mary, mother of God (Theotokos)

The saints possess

Icons of the saints possess a special quality, as each icon stands out with distinctive features that set it apart from others. Each icon carries the story of the saint intended to be depicted within it. The icon painter conveys the saint’s life story through colors, thus illustrating the unique message and invitation of the… Continue reading The saints possess


A collection of diverse icons. They are written on unique, non-repeated wooden panels while preserving the ancient traditional method. Osama Msleh 2023 ©

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some publishments and news about Deacon Msleh Eine Ikone mit der Schutzpatronin Zum Patrozinium konnte das erste Kunstwerk gesegnet werden 06.02.2019 – WIESBADEN © Goerlich-Baumann © Eva-Maria Brenneisen 10.12.2019 – WIESBADEN

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